Friday, November 5, 2010

no. 1

Rh At The Andaz

After much and deliberation and research we decided on having our first meal from the gift cards at RH at The Andaz Hotel in West Hollywood. A French restaurant inspired by the fresh, local produce.
We were looking for a restaurant that had an interesting menu yet comforting food, not too heavy but something substantial {and also had oysters}.

RH fit the bill!

'Inspired by the sun-drenched landscape of Southwest France, and the freshest produce from Southern California's markets"

First course:
Gin Martini w/ an olive
Fanny Bay Oysters {British Colombia - served with roasted pork sausage}
Hudson Valley Foie Gras {served with plum marmalade, arugula and homemade brioche}

The oysters came first and were amazing. Sweet and briny, beautiful and perfectly sized. The oysters  were from British Colombia and are now a new favorite of mine. The dish was served with a side of pork sausage which was also really really great.  Nice compliment of flavors between the sausage and oysters.
The only downside is that they didn't cut the meat free from the shell before serving, which makes it a little difficult to do yourself with the little oyster fork. Other than that - divine!

The foie gras was served as two thick medallions, with a plump serving of marmalade on the side.
Extremely rich and smooth, also another standout of the meal. Although, the marmalade was quite strong and it over-powered the foie gras a bit.

So far, we are off to a very decadent start!

Pinot Noir
Duck Confit {served with sauteed potatoes}
Diver Scallops {served with sweet corn gnocchi}

The duck confit was ahead of the game.  Really great - crispy skin, moist, flavorful meat.
Highly recommended! Potatoes were a perfect compliment making a delicious provencal style meal.

The scallops were okay. Not a bad choice, but it did not compare to the duck confit.
The scallops seemed a little fishy at first, but paired with the gnocchi it was quite nice.
Another great dish - but the duck... the duck!

Unfortunately there was no room for dessert after the rich, comforting, delicious dinner - next meal for sure though!


  1. Awesomeness! I just realized my company is having our Holiday party here. Can't wait for the food.

  2. Ahhhsome!! You are in for a treat Winnie!
    By the way.... do you get to take any guests with you?? ;)
